The #1 Cure For A Sluggish PC


If you’re often – or even constantly – frustrated with slow loading times, screen freezes or crashing programs, your network may be in desperate need of an upgrade…or a tune-up. Here’s how to make your network run like new again…

Most computers and networks bog down as they age. Here’s why:

● Spyware, viruses and other stealth programs secretly hiding in your machine. And we mean “secretly.” Today’s sophisticated malware is more elusive than ever. Most users will never know what hit them until it’s too late. The only telltale sign that your system has been infected is that it starts slowing down over time. These nasty bugs attach themselves to all sorts of programs in your network and work in the background, undetected.

● Your machine is overdue for replacement. Hey, it can only last so long. Manufacturers don’t spec PCs to last more than about three to five years. When things start slowing down…or you can’t install the latest software…or plug in some of the newer cables…it’s time to start shopping. But there are ways you can extend your computer’s useful life. Which brings me to #3…

● It’s time for a tune-up. Just like a car, your network needs routine maintenance to run at top speed and performance. To keep it running smoothly, there are over 100 checks and updates that need to be done on a regular basis. These include disk defragmentation, patch management and the removal of unnecessary files and programs, to name just a few.

If your computer network hasn’t had the routine maintenance it needs to run well, contact a Techno Pro today!

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