We all recall the giant leap we took when Windows 8 launched. Its new interface was a bit traumatic for many, and definitely took some getting used to. For better or worse, it’s the new direction of Windows, and now with Window 10, they’re settling in and building on that, encouraging us along with more empowering features that play off the familiarity we’ve grown into with the past two Windows releases.

Windows 10 is like a new friend you’ve started to get comfortable around but still has a few more tricks up their sleeve. A recent Windows Blog post had this to say:

“It’s the best combination of the Windows you already know, plus lots of great improvements you’ll love having. The familiar Start menu is back in a more robust and expanded format that provides one-click access to the functions and files you use most. You can quickly reach your most frequently used apps, PC settings, and there is plenty of space to add your favorite Live Tiles.”

We think the redesigned Start menu is going to bring smiles to both the confused Windows 8 crowd and the Windows 7 die-hards. Here are some of its nicer features:

  • Your most used apps are right there in your face, easy to get at
  • Microsoft will place in front of you new suggested/recently added apps for you, based on what you like and own already, so you don’t have to go searching. It knows you. Plus the new apps you’ve downloaded are right there to easily access or pin to Start.
  • All Apps is every app you’ve got, neatly ordered alphabetically, to let you browse like a champ.
  • Places gives you a quick portal to tap into File Explorer, Settings and Power.

As we approach the July 29 launch date, we’re seeing more and more efforts by Microsoft to educate the public on the newest features and how to get the most out of them. Here’s hoping that’s enough for the average Windows user. We’ll try to bring you more helpful information and keep you informed.  Have questions?  Contact Techno Advantage today!

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